First Snow + Creme Soda

Alas! Snow has arrived in Colorado Springs! I can almost see the baffled look on your faces as you read this, so allow me to address your curiosity...Yes, it is early. It's no secret that Colorado has experienced an immense amount of flooding (resulting in numerous tragedies across the front range- including my own family). This has also lead to a dramatic increase in moisture levels in the air, leading to the first snow on Pikes Peak and what is looking up to be one fabulous snowboarding season.

The majestic beauty of the mountains leaves me speechless every time (which is usually a rare habit of mine). The immense grandeur of the mountains, now sprinkled with fresh white powder, stands out in bold contrast against the vibrant blue sky. Life never fails to remind me who the greatest artist of all time truly is. Nothing can match creation.

Here in the springs, it can be quite easy to get lost in the grand splendor of it all, that it becomes easy to overlook the small beauties that greet me everyday. Bottled creme soda, a library full of books, and this girl, coming alongside to bask in the sun as we take in the aroma of fresh espresso and wild flowers. It's an afternoon of exquisite perfection here in Old Colorado City (one of my favorite get away destinations).

If you have never been to Agia Sophia, located at Colorado and 29th, then don't walk, but RUN with all haste so you can experience all that is beautiful in the world of coffee. And for those of you located elsewhere in the world, I charge you to go and explore whats out there. Search every nook and cranny and see what there is to be found. Some of the most unique places you will ever see are usually hiding in plain sight, but are only found by those who are looking.

So I challenge you all, find the art in life, the poetry in people, the music in a thought. Don't be so dismissive of what stands out at you. Ponder it. Focus on something other than your schedule. Take a step back and  contemplate what or who could have orchestrated everything you see and feel into reality. Then, stand in awe at the One who did.  

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