Long overdue, here is the first of many videos to come from my adventures here in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Filmed in the beautiful and edgy Graffiti Falls in Manitou Springs (we may have hopped a few construction fences to get there), this video was shot by the insanely talented Jeffery Micah Giaimo and Brian Ciociola. Also, be sure to check out the amazing up and rising band Land Down Under and their hit single "My Peace."

During my stay here in this great nation, I will be assisting CBC Russia by instructing students in the school, leading mission trips around Europe, and help to jump start several media projects that will share the message of the outreach in Russia with you, and the rest of the world.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to go on this amazing adventure, but I cannot do it alone. Your partnership will help enable the grace message to invade the cities of Europe and the villages of Russia, as well as allow countless stories to be heard that would otherwise go untold. Thank you for your support and your prayers. 

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