It's amazing what you can learn from a country or a culture through something as simple and common as a door. I mean, how different could they be, right? One thing I enjoy doing with my camera is showing life the way it appears through my lens, even if it's different than the way I originally thought it to be or the way others expect it to be. To think that these doors stood on these cobblestone streets before my own country existed, when 'chilvery' was the motto of the day and the west coast consisted of the far-off shores of spain and portugal. The small, unexpected beauties are what create a culture and are ultimately, what draw you into it's winding roads to explore, immerse yourself, and experience rather than merely 'see.'  As long as I'm alive with a camera in my hand, I will always strive to capture the beauty around me that would otherwise go unnoticed. In the brilliant words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "..though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not."

Jessica GiaimoComment