My Winter Reading List

bedspread (bedbath&beyond) // pillows (TJ Max) // throw blanket (Nordstrom Rack) 

There's truly nothing better than curling up in a warm blanket on a chilly winter day, sweater, top knot, yoga pants and latte close at hand, the snow is gently falling out your window sill while you turn page after page, lost in world. Reading is something I have always loved and something that I have been trying to do more of lately. Not only is it relaxing, but it leaves me feeling accomplished and a good steward of my time. While non fiction and self improvement books are always on my list, there's something about getting lost in a novel that I never tire of. 

The key to any good reading list is to mix it up a bit. I always try to be have a good blend of non-fiction and fiction to keep things interesting. Learn what types of books you enjoy more in the early hours of morning and the ones you can get lost in the night with. This will ensure you keep exercising your mind and will give you something to look forward to during those pesky hours of the day. 

So in honor of the last day of January, here is my Winter Reading List... 

without rival

by Lisa Bevere

little women

by Louisa May Alcott

this present darkness

by Frank E. Peretti

Driven by eternity

by John Bevere

Destined to reign

by Joseph Prince