How to Create Vision for Your Year

Happy New Year!! Oh my gosh can you believe it's already here?  2017 was filled with so much more adventure and growth then I could have ever imagined! But it was also full of struggle and realizing that I might not have everything all together as I…

Happy New Year!! Oh my gosh can you believe it's already here? 

2017 was filled with so much more adventure and growth then I could have ever imagined! But it was also full of struggle and realizing that I might not have everything all together as I would like to think. (Anyone else?) But that's the beauty of life- it's not supposed to be a lazy river you passively float by on one of those donut shaped inner-tubes, but it's supposed to be a grand adventure, pushing down the rapids and wondering what's around the river bend. 

So instead of just making a list of goals that I may or may not accomplish this year, I want to do something more, something that I can get excited about, something that will get me out of bed in the morning (especially the really cold ones) and motivate me to press further. I want to cast vision into my year, and not just goals. Because goals are great, but they don't have the power to propel you forward like vision does. Vision will move mountains, it will keep going when nothing else will and it will stir your heart up when you feel like you have no more strength left to give to your goals. 

Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
— Habakkuk 2:2

There is power in writing your vision down and keeping it before your eyes everyday. Some call it imagination, some call it meditation, but either way, we all are focusing our minds on something throughout our days, whether good or bad. So instead of meditating on our fears, struggles or how far away we are from our goals, spend time meditating on your vision. Don't look at how far you have to go or how much you've already messed up. Remember life is a journey and it all starts, and continues forward, with a single step. 

What is it that you want to accomplish this year? Maybe you want to start a business or go to the next level in your career. Or maybe you want to lose some weight or totally rock that vaca bikini. Or maybe you want to overcome a fear or insecurity that lingers around your heart. Whatever it is, you won't get there without taking that first step. God may not be showing you the whole picture (which I admit is something I tend to want or even think I need in order to move forward) but He is always faithful to show us the next step, and then the next, and then the next.

When you are seeking to walk in God's ways, you can trust that He is guiding you. You may not understand why He is leading you in a certain direction, but I can guarantee He has GOOD plans for you (Jer. 29:11). So don't be overwhelmed or concerned about your future. Take it one step at a time. Ask the Lord where He is leading you today and go forward without fear. You'll be amazed at the story that begins to unfold.

The very steps we take come from God; otherwise how would we know where we’re going?
— Proverbs 20:24

Because you were created to make a splash in this world and that means it's okay to not get everything perfect. Life is a journey, which means we will do a lot of growing and learning along the way. The story of your life is one you write everyday, so why not make it an epic tale where a hero and a princess battle life's struggles with all of the courage, strength and heart that their Heavenly Father gives them. 

The hero of your story has already done the rescuing but that doesn't mean you are off the hook. He came so that we might have life and life eternal (John 10:10). Don't waste the precious gift of an open book when there's so much in store for your future. Get His vision for you in your heart and let it be your life force as you move forward into the rest of this year. Live 2018 with so much passion and purpose that others will just know "There's something up with that girl..." So don't just make goals, create vision and watch as the pages unfold. 

Write well,