5 Things the Enemy Doesn't Want You to Know About Who You Are

Satan had made it his aim to distract you from who you really are and what the purpose of your life really is. It is his focused objective to lure you out of the path of strength, life, and authority and into a course of intentional destruction.
— Lisa Bevere, Girl's with Swords

One of the most common tactics of the enemy is to come against who you truly are, who God says you are. We assume, "That's too good to be true," or "Well I'm just not that holy… not one of those spiritual elite." We exclude ourselves from the love and promises of God and then wonder why we don't feel very close to him. 

You see, all of your power in this life is wrapped up in your identity - a royal daughter of God, fiercely loved, uniquely formed and vital to the greater story on this earth. But if the enemy can lead you to believe that you must earn this love (something we all make mistakes in), that there is not really anything special about you and your role on this earth is one more of an ensemble than a leading role, then you will not only live a below-destined life, but you won't even try! This is his plan. 

But the truth of your identity is not hidden from you, it's been revealed in God's word, scribed in heaven and resides on the inside of your spirit this day. You can know who you truly are and in doing so, unlock your power, purpose and the unique role that is your's alone to take. 

Don't let the enemy have the final say in your life. The only way his words have power over you is if you accept them into your life as truth. So here are five things the enemy does NOT want you to know about who you are. Go over each one and ask yourself if you truly believe it, if this is a foundation in your life. It's time the Daughters of God stop playing hostage to the enemy's lies and truly believe everything their Heavenly Maker says over them. 


1. You were created on purpose

You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb. I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex... How thoroughly you know me, Lord!
— Psalm 139:13-14

No matter how you feel, or what your circumstances might suggest, you are not an accident to God. You're not even a disappointment to Him, a sloppy seconds that He didn't see coming. Your heart was hand-stitched in secret and splendidly revealed to this world. Your Father chose you before the foundations of the earth and He never chooses incorrectly. 

There are plans written over your life and a purpose you were created for that no one else in this world was designed to do. Don't get distracted by what someone else has or what you lack, but begin to see with your own eyes what your King has revealed in you: a stunning glimpse into His own heart that only you can reveal to this world. 


2. You have a unique beauty to unveil 

You have captured my heart, my treasure, my bride. You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes...
— Song of Solomon 4:9

I know this area of our lives is a tough one for most of us to fully grasp, but we must if we are going to be a light in this incredibly hazy world. No matter what you see in the mirror, no matter how frizzy or underwhelming your hair seems to be, and no matter what your Instagram feed measures up to, you have a unique beauty to unveil. Meaning you won't find it while searching out what everyone else has. 

God designed every detail of you and He decided that it was good. Do you really think God makes mistakes? That His creations would suffer from a lack of interest or follow-through on His end? No... He is the Master Craftsman and He doesn't make mistakes. 

On the outside, you are a magnificent creation, a holy temple set aside for good works, and a dwelling place for the Spirit of the Living God. Think about that; God Almighty decided to take up residence in you. And He said He would never leave you nor forsake you. He's in this for the long haul baby. Talk about commitment! 

You also have an inward beauty that speaks of the heart of your Maker. There is a piece of God's nature that can only be revealed through a woman's heart and another piece that you uniquely reflect. Don't dim His light in you because you wish you had someone else's. Shine His beauty and your's too will be revealed. 


3. You have a vital role to play in this story 

I believe that the attacks on your life have much more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past.
— Lisa Bevere, Girls with Swords

There is a much bigger story going on than the ones we obsess over. Good versus evil, love verses hate, redemption versus destruction. The story continues and you have a vital role to play, one that is your's alone to take.

The enemy would have you believe that there is nothing truly significant about your life on this earth. But he never wastes time attacking what he is not threatened by and there is something on your life that terrifies him. 

The attacks on your life have more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past. It's time we take up our swords and choose faith in the story scribed in heaven for us, bringing it into our reality. God wrote it, but we must choose it and we must continue to choose Him. 


4. You are sealed by true love 

This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
— 1 John 4:10

One of the most sacred truths that the enemy wants you to never know is that there is nothing you could ever do to make God stop loving you.. even for just a moment, even just a little bit less. God's love wasn't based on your actions to begin with. After all, He did die for your sins over 2,000 years ago and I'm pretty sure you weren't around to earn that either. 

God's love is not a medal to be won, but a gift to be received. If I thought my husband only ever did stuff for me because he thought it would make me love him, and then when he did something wrong he pulled away from me, it would break my heart. How much more does a perfect Heavenly Father love us, His cherished creation? 

So here's a truth you can hold on to, God is bigger than your past. Stop giving it power over you. There is nothing you could do to make God love you more, just as there is nothing you could do to make God love you less. Yes, there are still things we do that may change the way we view God, but God's view never is shifted or foggy. He chose you and He'll never change His mind. 

The cross sealed your separation forever. There once was a separation between you and God (not one of His doing) but because of the sacrifice of Jesus, it no longer exists and there is nothing stopping you from a relationship with Him. No sin, no shame, no lack of good deeds can ever come between you again. 


5. You are crowed in royalty 

If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.
— C.S. Lewis

You were not created for this world - fallen, corrupt, sinful. But you are destined for another one, a new one that will be revealed to us soon enough. But until then, we are ambassadors for God, placed on this earth to combat the workings of darkness and reveal the true heart of our Father. 

You have authority over all the works of the devil and Jesus has given us His name to use in His place. You have a glorious future ruling and reigning with your Maker and there is nothing the enemy can do to change that. You are positioned not here, but seated next to Christ in heaven, a position of royalty and peace. The war is over and Jesus has won. Don't let the enemy fool you into thinking you are fighting a losing battle. You may have lost a few battles but Jesus has won the war. Cling to this and you will never be defeated. 

The greatest battles we will face in this life are the ones waging in our minds.

It says in John 8:32 that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. But you see it's only the truth you truly KNOW that is going to produce freedom in your life. Cling to these five truths as if they were jewels, write them on the tablet of your heart, post them up across your mirror. Get these words down in your soul so deeply that when the enemy does come to deceive you, you won't be fooled. You'll be armed with truth, fighting your battles well. 

Don't focus so hard on what not to think about or what you should be doing. Instead, focus on what God says about you and your battles will become less about you and more about Him. After all, true freedom lies in knowing him. And as you get to know him, you might just start learning a bit more about yourself... your truest self. 

Fight these battles well.


Need a hand changing your perspective on yourself?


Download “A Daughter’s Declaration” and begin speaking God’s word over your life and changing the way you see yourself. Post it on your mirror, save it on your phone or pass it out at your next small group meeting.

It’s time to awaken to who you truly are!