Finding Your Purpose Along the Journey

The two most important days in life are the day you are born and the day you discover the reason why.
— Mark Twain

So you want to know your purpose?


You were created to be a Daughter of purpose, to know and be known and to advance your Father’s Kingdom on this earth. It’s a mighty call and a noble one, too. No one else reflects the heart of God the way you do and it’s part of the adventure of our lives to learn what that looks like and to walk it out with Him. 

But sometimes we look at our purpose as a piece of pie and if we don’t dish out our piece soon, there won’t be any left for us. But that is not how it works in the Kingdom of God. There is enough in this world for every single person on the planet to operate in his/her purpose to the fullest right now. God is really that big. So relax, take a breath and give your worries, cares and concerns over to a Father who has bigger plans for you than you could ever dream of yourself. 

I’d like to propose the idea that our purpose isn’t simply a destination to be found and once we do, we’ve “made it” and now we can just die. But what if our purpose was more about the journey we take and how God is able to mold, shape and mature us into the daughters he had always intended for us to be? 

I'm not saying that you need to become someone else to be usable by God!  But what if the person God created you to be was already inside you, just waiting for a chance to be made known?

In your spirit, you are everything you could ever hope to be.

You are perfect, you are righteous, you are free. But the cares of this world, the mistakes we make and that are made to us, tend to cover and distort our image, not only to the world but to ourselves. We start to believe that we are the hot mess we so often feel like and if we could just obtain some sort of crazy purpose, then we will finally be someone we can be proud of... and maybe God will be too.  

But that’s just what the enemy wants you to think!

It’s not about becoming someone else, but it’s about getting rid of all the junk, baggage and concerns of this world so that our true selves can be made known and brought into the light. 

And that is when you begin your journey of purpose.

When you truly understand who you are as a Royal Daughter of the Most High God, then you won’t be chasing after a false sense of purpose, wandering around from place to place, seeking some sort of validation. But rather, you will walk with a courage that is not your own, fully convinced that the plans for your future are good and sure.

For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
— Jeremiah 29:11

There’s no reason to doubt God’s heart for your future if you know He loves you and is for you. You won’t journey towards something (or someone) if you don’t think it will be for your good. 

I challenge you to embrace the journey ahead.

Stop looking to the right or to the left. You will never find out what God has called you to do by looking at what God has called HER to do. Keep your eyes on the One who directs your steps and He will lead you down paths that will far exceed your wildest imagination. 

I think God loves taking ordinary people and putting them in extraordinary places.

That is why trusting God is so vital to finding and living out your purpose. You don’t want to find out what He has called you to do, only to try to make it happen yourself and fail. I don’t believe it’s ever too late to put your trust in God and He is more than able to restore the lost years back to you. But why not start now? Why not begin again today and leap wholeheartedly into the plans He has for you? 

You can trust God with your purpose because He is a good Father who loves you very much. The only reason you have dreams in the first place is because He gave them to you. He loves dream-chasing with us but first, we must become people who can carry those dreams in our hearts. 

God is not hiding your purpose from you.

As you seek Him first, your purpose will be revealed in that relationship, and it will continue to flourish as you continue to trust Him. Your purpose is a partnership between you and the Holy Spirit. So talk to Him every once in a while. You might find that His plans are even crazier than your own.

Dream well…



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