Balance for the Holidays

Over Thanksgiving, Jeff and I packed up our kitten Mocha and snuck off to the mountains for some much needed time away. Sometimes, life can get so busy and hectic that it feels like you've forgotten how to simply be still, breathe, and remember why your working so hard anyways. 

On our last day, we drove up to Estes Park for a bit of a date night and what we saw quickly reminded us that the holiday season isn't approaching anymore... it's here! Nestled on the outskirts of Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes appears as a valley of christmas lights all flashing the same message... CHRISTMAS IS COMING! 

As exciting as this notion is, it can also become very daunting as dreams of gift buying dance in our heads. If we're not careful, the pure magic and charm of the season can be drowned out by it's expectations. My challenge is this... that we can not only be productive and proactive this Christmas season, but we can also remain at peace, taking in and experiencing all of the joy that was meant to come with it. 

Let's not forget what Christmas is all about. We received a gift that we didn't deserve by a God who loves us without question. Because of Him, we have freedom. Because of Him, we have peace. Because of Him, we have a purpose and a destiny. Because of Him, we are loved more than we will ever be able to know. 

When your feeling overwhelmed, try thinking about what you have to celebrate in your life. It's incredible the power our minds have over our world. When you choose to put your focus on Him, He brings your perspective higher and suddenly, your able to see above the problems and frustrations. You're able to see the bigger picture and your place in it. So don't let the season bring you down. Instead, use it to bring out the absolute best in you. That was the whole point anyways!