Embracing Your Unique Journey


What if your purpose had very little to do with a destination… but rather a journey?

All of the great tales we grow up loving have one thing very much in common… they all require the unexpected hero to set off on an adventure; one that does not grantee success, but will provide plenty of opportunities to step out in bravery. Ultimately, our unsuspecting heroes accept the adventure, rise to the challenges and become the men and women they were always meant to be. Then we put our book down, let out a dreamy sigh and get back to our “real lives.”

But what if these tales didn’t just exist on the pages of a Tolkien novel? What if they were pointing to something inside of us that we always knew was there, but didn’t dare embrace for fear that it wouldn’t come true?

Just like Gandalf does with little Bilbo Baggins, our Father knocks at the door of our comfort and normalcy and simply asks if we’d like to join him in an adventure He’s arranging. The destination is not 100% clear and there may be some challenges along the way, but he sees something inside of you that you may not be aware of quite yet… but you will.

In today’s episode, I want to challenge the way you see yourself, your potential and the purpose that is on your life. I want to take you from someone who is chasing after a destination, to the hero of your own tale, taking the adventure as it comes at her.

Grab your coffee and your bible and tune into today’s episode with me ☕


(You can also listen right here)






Quotes Mentioned:

“I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit


Scriptures Mentioned:

Hebrews 12:1 ESV

Psalm 119:105 ESV



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Here’s another resource I know you’ll love!

A Daughter’s Declaration


Learn to take up your role in this story, fight your battles well and discover more grace for the journey ahead.


Jessica Giaimo loves helping women of all ages take their ordinary and discover the extraordinary that lies on the inside. By understanding your royal identity, your confidence will grow and your influence will expand.