A Daughter with a Sword


Do we truly want to be powerful… or are we much too comfortable with our boundaries?

“Fool! Don’t you know that no man can defeat me?”

“But I am not a man!”

I know this part in the epic Lord of the Rings trilogy has become a bit of a cliché for strong women, but I see a bit more behind its words. Sure I believe women are strong and in some ways can be stronger than others. But I don’t believe Eowyn’s strength on the battlefield that day came from her womanhood, but from something more core to who she was... a Daughter. A Royal Daughter.

Fear has a way of facing off with us all. It stares us down and declares over us, “Fool! Don’t you know that no one can overcome me?” Saying that your a man or a woman won’t make much difference to it. Even saying “but I’m a Christian, sir” won’t mean much if you don’t truly know what that means. Knowing who you are is more important than you realize because it’s in who you are that all your authority over fear has its' roots.

Fears will always come trying to intimidate you to look on the temporal. But there is truly nothing to fear when you keep your gaze fixed on the eternal. You may be in this world, but you are not of this world. No matter what your facing in this season, take your stand in faith, placing your trust and hope in Whose you are. Not just a person, not just a woman... a Daughter with a sword ⚔️


(You can also listen right here)





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My name is Jessica Giaimo, host of The Royally Made Podcast. Here you’ll find practical advice and honest conversations about how to be a Christian woman in a modern world.


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Here’s another resource I know you’ll love!

A Daughter’s Declaration


Learn to take up your role in this story, fight your battles well and discover more grace for the journey ahead.