Why Your Gender Isn't Enough


How do you find strength in being a woman when no one can tell you what that means?

Unfortunately out society is really confused on what it means to be a woman. Whether it’s Hollywood, feminists, the church or your co-workers, everyone has their own opinion on what the ideal woman looks and sounds like, and honestly, they aren’t that great.

It’s time for us to stop looking to everyone else to define us as women and turn to the One who designed us with intentionality, purpose and love. It’s time we drop the need to be accepted as women and turn to our true identity… a Royal Daughter of God.

In this podcast episode you’ll learn:

  • There is a big difference between your vertical relationship with God and your horizontal relationships with other people.

  • True confidence isn’t attached to your gender, but rather to your connection and standing with your Creator.

  • How incredible women in the bible found their strength in their identity to do the impossible on the earth.


(You can also listen here!)



Hey friend,

I don’t know about you, but I feel tired of trying to be the “perfect woman” all the time, something I know is virtually unattainable. And yet there is this underlying pressure everywhere you turn to be more submissive, more quiet, more subtle and more tired. Or on the other side, to be more confident, more demanding, more controlling and more, well… manly.

You were designed as a woman on purpose but you were never meant to find your sense of worth from your gender. It’s time we tap into something much more core to who we really are, and something the enemy of your soul is desperately trying to get you to ignore.

You are a Royal Daughter full of power, purpose and grace. Let’s stand strong and take up place in His story.

You are royally made.





The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom


Quotes Mentioned:

“Fool! Don’t you know that no man can defeat me?” “But I am not a man!”

“I don’t think Eyowen’s strength on the battlefield that day came from her womanhood, but from something much more core to who she was, and that is a Royal Daughter.”

“Fear has a way of facing off with all of us and getting us to look at what is temporary, but there is truly nothing to fear when we keep our eyes fixed on the eternal.”



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Hello there,

My name is Jessica Giaimo, host of The Royally Made Podcast. Here you’ll find practical advice and honest conversations about how to be a Christian woman in a modern world.


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Here’s another resource I know you’ll love!


A Daughter’s Declaration


Learn to take up your role in this story, fight your battles well and discover more grace for the journey ahead.