Identity Crisis - Getting Back to God's Design

For the longest time, I didn't understand why things weren't changing in my life. I had been a Christian since I was 7, went to bible college, married the best guy on the planet and yet I was still struggling with feelings of doubt and insecurity an…

For the longest time, I didn't understand why things weren't changing in my life. I had been a Christian since I was 7, went to bible college, married the best guy on the planet and yet I was still struggling with feelings of doubt and insecurity and I just couldn't get a grasp on why. Ever been there? 

We do the right things, we say the right things, we've memorized the scripture... but what is going on when you feel like you're fighting with everything you have and you're not really getting anywhere? Perhaps we don't truly know the key to fighting our battles well. Wouldn't you like to know what it is? 

So many times we try and combat our fears, insecurities and mistakes without truly understanding and embracing our identity as Royal Daughters of God. We think that we have to fight based on our own strength, wisdom and ability. This is why we are constantly falling short and growing weary in the process. We fight, climb and persevere only to be left standing in the same place as before. What's a girl got to do to get some progress made here? 

We simply cannot approach our battles in our own strength. We must stand and fight from our position in Christ. We must combat the enemy with our identity, not our ability. 

Recently I saw the movie Wonder Woman and I was completely blown away by what God decided to show me in her story. I mean, who knew that God would speak to you during a superhero movie? Here are three things that you need to know about who you are that I learned through the story of Wonder Woman... 

1. You reflect the glory of your Father 
Wonder Woman wasn't born special for no apparent reason. She had special abilities because, unknown to her, she was the daughter of Zeus. So her strength came because of who her father was. She could do things others couldn't, had abilities others didn't, and was driven with a purpose that others would never fully understand. 

I have good news for you. You are not the daughter of some mystic greek god, but you are the beloved daughter of the Most High God, the King of Kings and Name above every name. And as His daughter, you were meant to reflect His glory and goodness on this earth and into every life that you encounter. Have you ever wondered about how people feel after being around you for a little while? Do they feel important? like they matter? Or do they feel judged, small or not worth your time? You are an ambassador on this earth to spread true love, joy and peace to hurting and broken hearts. Let's be daughters who represent our Father well and reflect His heart for His people. 

2. You are a target 
As Wonder Woman was leaving the home she had always known to go fight the battle she was born to fight, her mother watches as she sails aways and her mother's sister asks her, "Are you going to tell her?" And her mother replies, "The more she knows, the sooner he will find her." Her mother knew that the closer her daughter came to the truth of whose she was, and the power she possessed because of that, the sooner her enemy would come looking for her. 

The word Christian literally means "anointed one," and when you are marked by God, you are noted by the enemy. Because when your enemy looks at you, he doesn't see what you see. He doesn't see the tired eyes, weary heart and a past riddled with mistakes. Sure he tries to remind you of those but that's only because he sees something in you that threatens him. You don't attack what you aren't threatened by and when he sees you... he sees Jesus. He sees the very same spirit that went down into hell, took the keys of hell and death and eternally sealed his fate. But if he can keep you from seeing what he sees, he can keep you scared and stuck. 

3. You are the weapon 
As Wonder Woman arrives for her final battle with Ares the god of war, she believes all she has to do is stab him with a special sword and he will be defeated. She sticks him easily enough but it doesn't seem to faze him. She then has a revelation of who she is and whose she is that brings her to the conclusion that she is in fact the weapon who can defeat him. Knowing her true identity was the key to her overcoming her enemy for good. 

This is why our enemy fights us so much when it comes to knowing who we truly are. He wants you to find your identity in your mistakes, your past, your relationships, your career, your "good works," your children, your personality, basically anything other than in Christ, because that is where all of your power comes from. 

So you see, before we can stand our ground and fight our battles well, we need to make sure that we have a firm grasp on who we are and who our Father is. It is in this identity that all of our power, confidence, strength and courage lies. We can't fight our enemy without knowing who we are. And often times, the enemy knows who we are long before we wake up and realize who we are. Well it's time for us to rise up as daughters and defend our families, our marriages, our homes, our dreams and our futures with the abilities deposited in us through Christ. 

Don't forget to remember who you are. It just might be the difference between living saved and stuck or on purpose with passion. Let's cling fast to our Father and write these chapters we're living in with purpose and power. 

Fight well,

Want to dive more into what God says about fighting your battles well?

Check out the Online Bible Study Fight Well and let's go on a journey together to learn the battle strategies of a Royal Daughter. Did I mention it's free?