Girl Talk with Maren Hamm

From living with Late Stage Lyme Disease, wheelchair bound and in constant pain, to not only living a full life healed but traveling the world healing others, Maren Hamm knows what it looks like to take the word of God and plant it as a seed in her heart, producing MASSIVE results.

She didn’t come from a super spiritual background.. didn’t know much about God at all. It wasn’t until she started to understand who her Heavenly Father really was, and how good He is, that she started to experience all of the amazing things He had in store for her.

Too often we feel like we need to do all the right things, be all the right things, or understand all of the right things to finally receive our healing, freedom, peace, joy (fill in the blank) from God. Maren is no stranger to this but she didn’t stop there. She found that she didn’t need to do anything or become anyone else to get set free. It was simple and uncomplicated. And it can be the same for you!

Her story will inspire you and hopefully, empower you to walk out of whatever “hard things” your facing now, and step into the incredible purpose God has for you.

It’s time to step out of the wheelchair. It’s time to take the limits off. It’s time to rise up as the Daughters of God who don’t settle for what we see, but walk with a Heavenly vision and a determination to see His goodness manifest on this earth.

Grab your cup of coffee and let’s have girl talk with Maren as she shares what shifted in her that led to her complete healing, freedom and purpose.

Don’t give up! There’s more for you than what you’ve seen…

Cheering you on,
