When You're Unsure of Your Next Season


It’s kind of a crazy time of year. At least for me. Not only is my calendar filled to the brim with meetings, birthdays and family get togethers, but I’ve been feeling a shift happening in my life, as if some doors are closing and others are opening. I just need to decipher which ones are which.

Have you ever been in a place in your life (or perhaps you are there now) where you find yourself at a fork in the road, faced with multiple options but unsure of which one is the right path for you? Or perhaps you’re not at a fork, more like the edge of a cliff. You know you have to move forward but you can’t see where you’re meant to go through the haze and uncertainty before you.

Life is full of shifting seasons, whether good or bad, and it’s up to us to make the best choice we can and continue along the journey. Staying still is the only way we can lose. But, it can seem confusing when faced with so many options (or none at all). How do we navigate this time and how can we move forward in the best way possible for us?

While I may not know your exact fork or cliff hanger, the ways in which we approach these seasons is pretty much the same: prayer, peace and perseverance.


This may seem obvious, but how often do we actually spend time in prayer over the decisions of our lives? How often do we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit when we feel lost, confused or stuck in a season of life? He longs to hear from us and if we would just spend time talking, listening and seeking his word, we would start to feel his guidance more clearly and sense his desires for our lives.

It’s pointless to wander through life aimless. We need to have an inner purpose that drives our hearts. Not a dream job or career goal… that’s different. I mean what is it that propels you to dream in the first place. What are your dreams built upon? If it’s simply to become famous, rich or successful, then we’ll live shallow lives that never increase to the level we desire. But when we build our purpose upon something more eternal, such as revealing the heart of God to those who are hurting, or to change people’s minds about who God really is or to help women feel less alone and that they are capable of more… then, when you’re faced with confusing seasons and shifting times, your inner purpose will ring clear and will guide you down the right path.

If you’re not sure what this is for you, then spend time in prayer. Talk to him and let him reveal his heart for you. You’ll find everything you need and everything you were meant to be at his feet and in his arms. Trust his heart and his plans for you are good and you’ll have no problem seeking him for direction.


Peace is different than emotion. Emotions are trivial little things that ebb and flow as fast as the weather here in Colorado! So how can you trust if you have peace or not? By spending time with him and his word. When you are spending time with him, praying, reading, listening, worshiping… then you will be more in tune with your spirit, which is where the Holy Spirit is constantly speaking to you. You’ll be able to discern what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. It may not be a rush of emotions, but you’ll know deep down that it’s what God is leading you to do.

Whether it’s to stay put, try something new, stay faithful where you are or reach out to someone, you can trust his leading when you know you’re heart has been meditating on him. I guess that’s what that scripture means…

Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you.
— Isaiah 26:3 TPT

In other translations, the word “imaginations” above is translated as “mind.” You use your imagination all the time, whether you realize it or not. Choose to set your mind or your imagination on God and you will be able to trust the peace that comes in your heart.


As a society, we don’t value perseverance. Sometimes we so desperately want a shift in our season that we jump ship before it’s time and we wind up doing worse than before. Or perhaps it is time for a new season, but once the thrill of it all starts to fade, you start to question whether you made the right choice and start looking for something new. Nothing great will grow in your life unless you give it time, faithfully serving in the place you are now.

Whether you are embarking on a new adventure or don’t feel led to leave yet, practice perseverance where ever you are at. And watch it propel you into new levels of the journey ahead.

Remember that shifting seasons happen to us all. You don’t have to dread or worry or be anxious of what’s coming next. Stay close to him and his word, follow the peace in your heart and stay persistent where he has you. Write these chapters well and the story will take you to places you never could imagine.

Write this season well,