5 Books for Every New Wife

5 Books for Every New Wife | Marriage Books | Book Review | Christian Books | Books for Christian Women

Okay girls listen… Whether you’ve been married 3 months or 30 years, it’s so important to never get into the mindset that we’ve somehow arrived in our marriage and no longer need to learn anything new. We’re constantly in a state of growing and that includes our marriage.

One of the best ways I’ve found that keeps me in the mindset of a student is to read books that challenge me, shift my perspective or give me tools to move forward. That’s what all of these books have done for me and I believe they will do the same for you.

Whether you’re married, getting married, want to get married or know someone who’s married, these books are some of my top recommendations for you:

1. His Brain, Her Brain by Walt and Barb Larimore

This book is at the top of my list and for good reason! If you only choose one book to read, please please let it be this one! Our boss (who ended up marrying us) gave us this when we were engaged and at the time, we were fighting almost everyday. Since we worked together, it caused a lot of stress on us constantly because there was no escaping it. Nothing was really that wrong, we just seemed to get on each other’s nerves like all the time! Once we read this book, I swear it solved 80% of our fights.

It’s written by a christian, married couple who also happen to be neuroscientists and they break down the ways in which the female and male brains operate and function differently. This is a book I try to read every so often because there’s so much helpful information that you can start applying today, even if you’re not married yet!

2. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Now I know everyone and their mom has heard of this book and chances are, you’ve probably already read it. I did too when I was single but when I read it again after being married, it made me see how I had been reading it all wrong! Yes, it’s good to get to know yourself and how you personally receive love so you can communicate that to your man. But I don’t believe that’s the main point of the book. If so, then every time our husband didn’t show us love in “our way”, we would see it as an excuse for why the marriage isn’t working.

Instead, I believe it’s mainly about learning how your HUSBAND receives love and realizing that it’s probably different to how you receive it. Reading this book with selfish purposes will only thicken the conflict. Instead, it’s about getting outside of yourself, learning to take the initiative even if he isn’t, and remembering that ultimately, love is a choice that you have to choose each and every day, no matter how you feel. If you’re open to it, this book can radically transform your life, not just your marriage.

3. Hardness of Heart by Andrew Wommack

This is a shorty but goodie! And I’m not just saying that cause I work for the guy… All of Andrew’s books are incredible but when it comes to marriage, guys I read through this book on almost a monthly basis. I truly believe that when we have conflict, at least one of the reasons is because we’ve allowed our hearts to be hardened by something or someone, and then we wonder why things aren’t working out for us. You can’t selflessly love someone if you’ve hardened yourself off. It makes you selfish, immature and weak. That’s just what the enemy wants, especially in marriage.

This book will not only help you develop a soft heart towards God and your husband, but it will also show you the steps that can take you down the path towards a hardened heart and how to avoid it. Highly recommend!

4. The Story of Marriage by John and Lisa Bevere

Everyone thinks no one can relate to their struggles… until you read about someone else’s. John and Lisa have been through it all and still came out strong, confident and on fire for God. I look up to them so much and it’s incredible to see what God has brought them through, and you would never even know they had problems!

The Story of Marriage goes through some of the obstacles they faced in their early years, how to make progress in your marriage and how to successfully build a strong, healthy marriage of your own. It’s great to go through together or solo and their humor, wit and honesty will make you feel as though you’re having a chat with them in their living room.

5. The Prayer of Protection by Joseph Prince

This might seem like an interesting choice for a book on marriage but hear me out. Too often, we get caught up in the day to day of marriage, bills and work that we forget that we are in the midst of a great battle and your marriage is a threat to the enemy. He hates you and he hates your unity and he will do whatever he can to bring discouragement, discord and death. We need to stay aware and alert to the enemy’s schemes. When you fight with your husband, there’s way more going on in the background than just a rude comment or hurt feelings. There is a battle waging for your heart and we must be in tune with it.

This book takes you through Psalm 91 as Joseph Prince breaks down what it means and how it applies to your life today. It always leaves you feeling prepared, encouraged and full of hope- all things we need in our daily lives. This book will empower you to walk free from fear and anxiety so you can show up and be all you were meant to be.

I hope these books encourage, help and guide you on your own journey. Never stop growing and never stop searching. There is more for you than what you are experiencing now. You can check out more books I love on my Reading List HERE!

If you have any other recommendations for books, I’d love to hear them since I’m always looking for a new read! Drop a comment below and tell me what books have inspired you in your marriage.